We are twisted fuse.
Our mission is to empower and provide small businesses the personalized, ethical, and effective marketing and design services they deserve, without all the extra fluffy BS they don’t need. Small businesses are often left to their own marketing because marketing companies forget they exist or don’t feel they are worth it. To achieve our mission, we strive to help grow our clients’ businesses with effective, budget-friendly, and tailor-made strategies, which, in turn, will ignite our success.
Our Principles
Strong ethics, both professionally and personally, is a priority for everyone representing the organization as well as the company’s behavior as a whole. We refuse to tolerate jerks so we will not represent, employ, or entertain any ignorant, hostile, distasteful or otherwise schmucky conduct and demeanor. AKA don't be a d!ck.
Honesty & Trust
We aren’t snake oil salesmen. We only offer what we feel will work for our clients, not our bottom line. We display full transparency for both our team and our clients and expect the same in return. A good relationship is built on trust and honesty, and we will not waiver or accept anything less.
Improvement & Innovation
We don’t believe the adage you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. Therefore, we're driven to stay on top of trends, techniques, and information. Technology is constantly growing and to offer our clients and our team the very best, we need to stay current in our strategies and concepts.
Quality & Simplicity
We don’t do convoluted BS designed to only bloat our egos or make our jobs easy. We only provide exceptional designs, services, and strategies that we feel will bring value and progress to our clients. We refuse to offer ctrl+c, ctrl+v strategies. (haaaa, had to include at least one nerdy joke.)
Humility & Accountability
We aren’t perfect, nor are we claiming to be. To err is human, so at some point, we are going to make a mistake. We vow to accept that errors will happen, and while we must own up to our wrongdoings, we acknowledge that they are not failures, but learning experiences.
Our clients aren’t run-of-the-mill, and neither are we. We swear. We make goofy, cheesy jokes. We’re colorful and a little rough around the edges. We get loud and excited, especially with a cool project or a campaign with unbelievable results. We aren’t going to be for everyone and we’re okay with that. We strive to offer every one of our clients personalized marketing services designed to think outside the box, and get our clients noticed.
Our team is built on different interests, skillsets, personalities, and strongholds. We aren’t in this business as a get-rich-quick scheme; we fully believe in what we have to offer and what we can do to help our clients. We are driven by the desire for our clients’ success. Our team is built with individuals that show a joy not just for the work itself but also the people around us, so that everyone can be bold, innovative, and creative.
Leadership & Teamwork
While Twisted Fuse was the brainchild of one person sick of seeing crappy marketing, it was and continues to be built and supported by many and we recognize that. We understand and appreciate that without our team and our clients, we are nothing. We refuse to offer anything less than the highest caliber leadership, encouragement, initiative, and support to all, both within and outside of our organization. When our team works together, we can create something greater than ourselves as individuals.